TRIZCON2020 - AM and PM Sessions

AdobeStock 347799209TRIZCON2020 is a virtual conference built for an international audience. The AM + PM sections are the combination of the live TRIZ Workshop, in the morning, and all the video presentations by our supporting TRIZ colleagues, in the afternoon.

$350 is the fee for both days from 8:00 AM until the conclusion of the video presenters each day.

This 2-day event is a bargain considering the costs of attending a two-day event—no travel; no hotel; no meals. You cannot even stay in a hotel for this price.

AI paid members to receive their 10% discount, log in before you register.

Event Properties

Event Date 10-06-2020 8:00 am
Event End Date 10-07-2020 5:00 pm
Registration Start Date 08-06-2020
Individual Price $350.00
We are no longer accepting registration for this event